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 Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering!

NDSU Equine Center 5140 19th Ave N. Fargo

Questions e-mail

Volunteers are the pillar of our program. Without the incredible individuals from our community dedicated to supporting participants during sessions and giving of their time and talents behind the scenes, Bison Strides would not be able to operate.


The minimum age for Bison Strides volunteers 16 years. Volunteers are needed to work directly with Bison Strides participants as sidewalkers or horse handlers in the arena during riding or therapy sessions. There are also behind the scenes opportunities in fundraising, photography, tack and equipment cleaning, and special events.


Volunteers who are in the arena with participants are asked to commit to 1 hour per week for a 6-week session. Individuals must be able to walk (and occasionally jog) next to a horse in a sand/dirt arena for an hour. Close toed and heeled shoes are required. No horse experience is necessary for sidewalkers. All volunteers must complete a 2-hour Volunteer Training. Horse handlers must have horse experience and complete additional forms and training. Please see below for paperwork.

Volunteer Manual            Horse Handler Manual          Horse Handler Questionnaire

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